What an exciting nite! : )
As soon as I had assembled the chocolate fountain machine, people would start crowding the chocolate fountain machine table........ "Is this chocolate fondue?" "Eh, what's that?" "It's chocolate? "
Like a magician waving its wand, I would flicked on the switch, grinning...... whilst the guests would watch and stare in awe the beautiful brown chocolate cascading slowly from the cool top tier to the following wider tiers below prior to splashing gently into the receiving pool of warm , tempting and inviting chocolate. The aroma of the warm chocolate wift through the room igniting the taste buds of those who were oogling it. "Wah.....it's chocolate fountain!"

I've always noticed chocolate fountain evokes charm, fun, nostalgia and puts a smile on faces of those who partakes in the chocolate feast whilst dipping their favourite fruits or available dips which were spread lavishly on the table into the warm irresistible liquid pool of chocolate .
Irregardless of age or gender, the chocolate fountain effect is the same - with a twist of magical fun!

Despite using the 3-tier 21 inch chocolate fountain machine instead of the initially booked 4-tier machine (due to my miscommunnication with my partner, my apologies) and the momentarily stalled machine as a guest had accidentally stepped on the machine's wire (oh...ooooo) thus disconnecting the power supply causing the chocolate to harden (omg!), the fun has not stopped - people were still busy dipping into the chocolate fondue, oblivious to the matter on hand! That's the magic of chocolate! Spell binding!
Chin Xin Hui was also buzy taking photos of the chocolate fountain - just like me!
Gerald Loke has good chocolate appetite and has stationed (or chained?) himself to the chocolate fountain table - with his mom's permission, of course! (he told me so ;), LOL)
Nevertheless, with the restaurant's staff quick response to my SOS request to source for a screw driver and to fix the connection (bravo!), all went well as soon as the machine starts running and spins its magical spell of creating joyous fun with chocolate fountain!
What a magical nite! Ke, ke....

Tim said, "Now.... it's my turn!"
Thank you Jia Hwei and Tim for using chocolate fountain to grace your wedding dinner on the 12th of March 2011 @ Chuai Heng Restaurant! May the magic lives on throughout your blessed life together! @>--

The ever ready adorable chocolate fan models : )
A special mention of thanks needs to be conveyed also to Su Ann who has helped to set up the chocolate fountain table beautifully (I like the way you've spread the serviettes in the basket - it looks like a full bloomed pink Rafflesia! Well done!).
In the midst of enjoying her dinner also, Su Ann has taken the time off to ensure that I had been fed too! Terima kasih! Jie Hwei has assigned the right person to assist me! Thanks!

Another one pleazzzzz..........!

No matter how I eat it, it's just fun and hmmmmmmm.......licious! Even licking the chocolate off the stick is good tooooo!!
As for me, I am always spell bound watching these people.........;)